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मिलन डे फ्री अंक से ओपन 2 पास
Ans: Satta matka is the game of numbers where we choose a number to bid on and earn better. There are some set rules which we need to follow like start betting with fewer amounts, this will keep you at low risk. Second is, control your temptation when you are losing continuously.
For more information of how to win, you can follow our satta matka Expert's Matka Guessing Forum.
Q2: How can I get Satta number ?↓
Ans: Satta numbers are chosen like
3 random numbers are chosen from 0 to 9 which are called OPEN. Let say we got 2, 5 and 9
These numbers are added then like 2 + 5 + 9 = 16
If addition goes above 10 then last digit is considered. Here 6
In same way another number is calculated which is called CLOSE. Let say we got 8, 0 and 3. So 8 + 0 + 3 = 11. Then close digit is 1
Final number will be 61
Check our Satta Matka Tips page for more information.
Q3: What is single Patti in Matka ?↓
Ans: Single Patti is a 3 non-repeating digit number which we got as betting result. Like 135. Double patti has 2 repeating numbers like 114. And Triple patti has all same 3 digits like 111.
Q4: What is Satta Matka ?↓
Ans: If you ever heard this word SATTA, you must be aware about the complete phrase satta matka. Actually Satta Matka is a form of gambling originated in India before independence. Modern days Satta Mtka is based on numbers which has been gueesed by player to win. The winning player is known as Satta King.
Q5: What is the History of Satta Matka ?↓
Ans: If you ask your Grand-Parents, there was no such word Satta Matka existed before 1960 because it came into existence when a spice & grocery seller Kalyanji Bhagat started it as a game of fortune by drawing a number from Matka (Pitcher). By the time passes it gets growing & now it is played everyhwere.
Q6: How Satta Matka Works ?↓
Ans: There are so many Satta companies running Satta Matka games & drawing results / day. A random number drawn by Satta Company persons and if you are lucky & this is the same number on which you bet then you will be paid multiple times of your actual money.
दोस्तों धोखेबाजों से सावधान रहें! केवल भरोसेमंद लोगो के साथ ही सट्टा मटका गेम खेलें इतने लम्बे समय से हम यों ही टॉप सट्टा प्रोवाइडर नहीं हैं, कुछ तो बात होगी?? किसी और पर भरोसा करने से पहले एक बार जरूर सोच लें वाकी आपकी मर्जी
Viewing This WebSite Is On Your Own Risk.. All The information Shown On Website Is Based on Numerology and Astrology for Information Purposes .. We Are Not Associated with Any Illegal Matka Business or Gamblers.. We Warn You That Matka Gambling in Your Country May be Banned or Illegal... We Are Not Responsible For Any Issues or Scam... We Respect All Country Rules/Laws... If You Not Agree With Our Site Disclaimer... Please Quit Our Site Right Now. Copying/Promoting/Publishing Any of Our Content in Any Type Of Media or Other Source is Illegal and against Law.
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